Algae are superfoods health human consumption
Seaweed has been consumed since ancient times in oriental culture, its intake is associated with longevity and a better quality of life.
From Seaweed peruvian we want to not only work with the European-Asian market where they are appreciated, but also in the West, where all their nutritional, functional and culinary benefits are just being discovered.
From a nutritional point of view, algae are low in calories, have a high concentration of protein, dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins.
At Seaweed we have specialized in algae for human consumption, from the Peruvian coast where the Humboldt current provides them with nutrients, making them highly valuable.
Our peruvian seaweed
We are leaders in the processing of seaweed, we find it between the regions of Hilo and La Talara. We work in the south-central zone of Peru with various communities carrying out sustainable management of grasslands. Its nutritional properties are diverse, where the following stand out:
Helps protect your body
Very contingent in these times of pandemic is having our immune system strengthened. Seaweed increases your defenses against viruses, bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and cancer cells. Its high presence of β-glucans (even more than other algae) make it very special. β-glucans are a type of soluble fiber for which effects on glycemia, insulin levels, cholesterol and immunity have been seen. β-glucans act by stimulating macrophages, which are our first line of defense. Clinical trials have recently been carried out with products that contain 70% β-glucans, observing a significant reduction in allergy episodes and respiratory tract infections.

Lower cholesterol and are effective in reducing fatty liver
Soluble fiber forms a kind of gel when it absorbs water. This gel binds in the digestive tract with the bile acids necessary for the absorption of cholesterol and other lipid compounds (lipoproteins), causing them to be eliminated in the feces and thus reducing their absorption. .
Seaweed has a high amount of fiber (53%), surpassing other algae with a good proportion of soluble fiber (34%), almost 19 grams per 100 grams on a dry basis.
Helps control your weight and avoid constipation
In addition to being like all algae, low in calories, the high presence of insoluble fiber helps regulate the intestinal tract, while soluble fiber has an effect on fats, so it could help control weight.
lower blood glucose
In addition to fiber and β-glucans, seaweed contains a high degree of polyphenolic compounds, which are antioxidants. Not all algae have the same level of polyphenols, nor the same types. In studies carried out by the USACH and the PUC, cochayuyo is the one that presents the best results in lowering the amount of glucose in the blood.
These compounds help regulate blood sugar levels through the inhibition of two fundamental enzymes in the food digestion process: alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase. The more these digestive enzymes are inhibited, the less food is digested, which causes the release of glucose into the blood to be more moderate, thus controlling glycemia levels, helping its consumption in patients with diabetes.
Ideal for vegans
Its protein content, although moderate at 12%, contains a very complete amino acid profile with high bioavailability. Contains vitamin B12, vitamin E (powerful antioxidant).
This is thanks to the presence of alginic acid that helps eliminate heavy metals and its high content of cysteine, an amino acid that protects the liver and allows it to function properly.
High in vitamins and minerals
Peruvian seaweed on a dry basis has 10 times more calcium than a glass of milk. Contains 6 times more iron than lentils or spinach. In addition, it has an interesting dose of copper, magnesium, manganese and iodine among other minerals. With respect to sodium, although on a dry and unwashed basis it is high, 3400 mg/100 grams, it drops to levels of 280 mg/100 grams once the product is hydrated and cooked.
high protein content
It has more than 23% protein (being an excellent replacement for meat or to complement the diet), with an excellent amino acid profile.
In addition, it is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron and vitamins A and E.
high fiber
Of the Chilean algae that we have analyzed, it is the one with the highest soluble and insoluble fiber (more than 59% total), which makes it ideal for weight regulation and to help prevent heart disease (in addition to what has already been seen above). .
High antioxidant capacity
It is an algae with an excellent level of antioxidants, the highest of the algae we sell Dehydrated algae
Accompany your meals with a super food from one of the richest seas in the world!
Seaweed is extracted and collected by divers in a sustainable way by Peruvian artisan communities. Chondracanthus chamissoi algae are good for health, as they contain a high level of fiber, micronutrients and biomolecules with properties that help improve intestinal health and strengthen the immune system.Packed in transparent plastic bags with the weight according to the client, packed in boxes with stipulated weight.
Store at room temperature in a dry place. Keep away from direct sunlight and direct contact with the ground. Once opened store in an airtight container in a dry place and consume before the date of consumption
preferred – Intended use: Prior preparation of hydration and/or cooking is required.
– Hydration: Immerse yourself in water for 5 minutes. Once hydrated, it increases 6 times its weight
dry – Cook and use: For 20 minutes and use in salads, scrambled eggs, soups, creams, stews and casseroles. Battered and fried. As a thickener and stabilizer in the preparation of sauces, jams and desserts. jelly. Agar, carrageenan, gel
– Intention to consume: General public, except babies and young children.
Final destination: In supermarkets, fruit and vegetable sections and/or organic products section; Specialized food stores, organic stores, greengrocers, herbalists and gourmets, national and international