Common name:
Peru: Yuyo, female yuyo. Mococho
Chile: Chicory of sea
Distribution and Biology:
The species Chondracanthus chamissoi, is a red alga known by the common name of, is characteristic and endemic to the South Pacific, specifically to the coasts of Peru and north and south, it is distributed on the rocky coast between the island and Macabi. In the Los Lagos region, the species inhabits the intertidal and subtidal, it is generally found between 0 and 15 m deep, grows on hard substrate, in sectors protected from waves and reaches a maximum size of 15 cm in a particular aspect of This species is that it grows on rocks generating small stolons or secondary junction points that allow the formation of new stems that can be independent individuals. This seaweed is exported dehydrated to Asian, European, and USA countries, which consume it in salads or to decorate dishes.
The collection of this seaweed is by diving, then washing it, combing it and letting it dry in the sun or in a dry and warm environment. Then store in containers It is an andemic species from the temperate coast of the South Pacific that is sandy bottoms, there are also cultures of these algae. Which has been used since pre-Inca times in human nutrition and is promising for: the extraction of carrageenan. they carrageenan her from her. It is a viscous carbohydrate (sugar) capable of forming jellies, it is extracted from these algae by a chemical method. Agar – Agar is used in the preparation of culture media for microorganisms. Carrageenan is used in the manufacture of dairy products, although it is also used in the textile, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, printing and other industries. Both substances are chemically related and have suspension, emulsion, stabilization and gelling properties considering their direct consumption (fresh seaweed) due to their high protein and carbohydrate content.
C.chamissoi, is a resource of great commercial importance, both for industrial use and for direct consumption. Industrially it is used because it synthesizes very good quality sulfated polysaccharides (carrageenans), used mainly in the meat and dairy industry. In Peru, it is widely consumed fresh in a wide variety of typical dishes.
Thanks to its high nutritional value and its content of vitamins, proteins, fibers and essential fatty acids, the consumption of yuyo and seaweed has become a healthy food alternative for households today.
Calcium 362mg. Ashes 24.7g. Iron 34mg. Proteins12.6mg Magnesium 818mg. Crude fat (oil) 0.1 g. Phosphorous 8.3 g. Total dietary fiber 46.6 g. Vitamin A 0.2mg. available carbohydrates 0.1 g. Vitamin E1,9mg.
Energy (Kcal) 52.2mg. Sodium 6243mg. Calories 85. g. protein 12g. Fat 0.27 g Fiber 47.5 g Carbohydrates 8.67 g Iron 32 mg Calcium 1,160 mg Phosphorus 142.2 mg Zinc 1.6 mg Magnesium 1,015 mg Manganese 1,130 mg All 490 mg Potassium 3.46 mg Sodium 3, 45 mg histidine 140 mg. isoleucine 386 mg. leusine 560 mg. methionime 320 mg phenylalanine 230 mg. threonine 500 mg tryptophan 90 mg. bag 500 mg Ac. aspartic 1,150 mg. Glutamic Ac 1,138 mg. Serine 600mg.
Glycin 570mg. Cristina 1,830mg. Alamina 800 mg. Arginine 590mg. Folic acid 1.68mg. tyrosine 370mg. After its extraction, it is transported and received at the plant and the following procedures are carried out there. – Selection and cleaning of materials foreign to the product, whether they are pebbles, shells, etc.
– Packed in transparent plastic bags with the weight according to the client, packed in boxes with stipulated weight.
Store at room temperature in a dry place. Keep away from direct sunlight and direct contact with the ground. Once opened store in an airtight container in a dry place and consume before the date of consumption
preferred – Intended use: Prior preparation of hydration and/or cooking is required.
– Hydration: Immerse yourself in water for 5 minutes. Once hydrated, it increases 6 times its weight
dry – Cook and use: For 20 minutes and use in salads, scrambled eggs, soups, creams, stews and casseroles. Battered and fried. As a thickener and stabilizer in the preparation of sauces, jams and desserts.
– Intention to consume: General public, except babies and young children.
Final destination: In supermarkets, fruit and vegetable sections and/or organic products section; Specialized food stores, organic stores, greengrocers, herbalists and gourmets, national and international